Rev. Emmanuel Paul, a biblical scholar and arguably one of the greatest orators of our generation, is the gifted, anointed, and dynamic pastor of the historic Zion Pentecostal Church (ZPC) in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. A courageous, exciting, and visionary leader, Ps. Emmanuel Paul is a much sought after preacher, teacher, and featured national keynote speaker for various churches, leadership and development programs. He is one of the young pastors in the world to be ordained as Pastor at the very young age of 21. This might be the reason that, Ps. Emmanuel Paul is most passionate about today’s youth, and is often recognized for his sermons, which promote spiritual, social and intellectual growth amongst young adults.
Rev. Emmanuel Paul, a biblical scholar and arguably one of the greatest orators of our generation, is the gifted, anointed, and dynamic pastor of the historic Zion Pentecostal Church (ZPC) in Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India. A courageous, exciting, and visionary leader, Ps. Emmanuel Paul is a much sought after preacher, teacher, and featured national keynote speaker for various churches, leadership and development programs. He is one of the young pastors in the world to be ordained as Pastor at the very young age of 21. This might be the reason that, Ps. Emmanuel Paul is most passionate about today’s youth, and is often recognized for his sermons, which promote spiritual, social and intellectual growth amongst young adults.
Ps. Emmanuel Paul, a man who dedicated his whole life for Christ, is the first son of (late) Pr. Paul and Sis. Mary Paul. He lost his father and brother at his early age. As brought up by his loving mother Sis. Mary Paul, she took all the efforts to grow and lead his life towards Christ. Apart from spiritual care, as a good mother, she also gave him a good education till college.
During his college days at Voorhees, he used to distribute handbills about Jesus to other fellow students and visits other churches and distributed tracts. The year 1993 was a great tragedy in the history of Zion Pentecostal Church when Ps. Nalliah Aaron had left the earth and went to be with Lord. Then, Rev. Emmanuel Paul was called by the Lord to do His Ministry in Zion Pentecostal Church and to succeed Ps. Nalliah Aaron. He immediately obeyed to Lord and started his journey as a Young Pastor in Vellore District at the very young of 21 years.
Since then, he has been serving the Lord. The Lord blessed him with His powerful anointing and grace. And today, the Lord has blessed him with more than 5000 souls (believers) who used to attend the regular Sunday Services. Thousands of souls have got baptised by his hands.
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