Zion Pentecostal Church

About ZPC & Our Belief

About ZPC

Roots of Faith: Our Church History

Zion Pentecostal Church is one of the oldest, largest and most prominent Pentecostal Church in Vellore District. Though the church was founded by Pastor. Nalliah Aaron, after his death, under the able leadership of Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Paul Ph.D , the church, today, has grown to over 5,000 members with several active ministries. Zion Church as it is affectionately known in the community; currently holds 3 Services on Sundays in Tamil & English languages.

Zion Pentecostal Church is one of the oldest, largest and most prominent Pentecostal Church in Vellore District. Though the church was founded by Pastor. Nalliah Aaron, after his death, under the able leadership of Pastor. Emmanuel Paul, the church, today, has grown to over 5,000 members with several active ministries. Zion Church as it is affectionately known in the community; currently holds 3 Services on Sundays in Tamil & English languages.


"50 Years of Faithful Service and Spiritual Growth!"

Committed to faith and service, fostering hope and spiritual growth for countless lives. Empowering communities through prayer, education, and worship. Inspiring generations to walk steadfastly in faith and purpose.

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Exploring Our Ministry, Learn About Us

Churches and ministries are intended to be safe havens that foster healing and restoration. Unfortunately, they are sometimes a source of pain and abuse instead. Children are the most vulnerable. It’s hard to tell exactly how common child abuse is in the United States. According to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study, 26% of children are subjected to verbal/emotional abuse, 15% to physical abuse, and 12% to sexual abuse. Many studies indicate that rates are actually significantly higher. Others are vulnerable as well. The authority held by those in Church leadership creates a power differential that has been exploited to abuse and mistreat people of every gender, every background, and every age group. This must not be ignored by the Church, but sadly, we have not prepared our leaders to respond in a God-honoring and survivor-centered way.

At times, we have misapplied the truth of Scripture to justify the abuse or our silence. At times, we have hidden from the truth or sided with those who abuse instead of those who have been abused. At times, we have further harmed children and adult survivors by using as a weapon the power God has entrusted to us. This does not reflect the heart of God, and I believe it does not reflect the heart of most people in God’s Church.


Zion Pentecostal Church

For Prayers,
please call: +91 99520 82250

The Compassion

"Staying Strong and Compassionate in Service to Others."

Our Beliefs

Foundations of Our Faith

ZPC Beliefs
  • ZPC believe that the Holy Scriptures both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are written by the inspiration of God – II Timothy 3:16 and without error in the Original Writings, and that they are/and shall remain the only Supreme and Final Authority of our faith and practice and the Revelation of his Divine Scheme of Redemption.
  • ZPC believe in the vicarious suffering of our Lord Jesus Christ to save mankind from sin and sickness – I Peter 2:24 and Matthew 8:17.
  • ZPC believe that the ordained ministry is a gift of God through Christ to His Church, who gave to His Apostles a commission which has been perpetuated in the church and which she continues and reverently uses and esteems according to Ephesians 4:11-13.
  • ZPC believe in the need of Holy Living through the power of the Holy Spirit, bringing into the life the fruit of the Spirit – Galatians 5:22.
  • ZPC believe in prayer as the power of the unfolding, empowering and guidance of life, and as Ministry of Intercession – Colossians 4:12.
  • ZPC believe that we should lead a life to make our Christian Assembly a power over all over the world – I Corinthians 4:20.

Foundations of Our Faith

  • ZPC believe that the Holy Scriptures both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible are written by the inspiration of God – II Timothy 3:16 and without error in the Original Writings, and that they are/and shall remain the only Supreme and Final Authority of our faith and practice and the Revelation of his Divine Scheme of Redemption
  • ZPC believe that the ordained ministry is a gift of God through Christ to His Church, who gave to his Apostles a commission which has been perpetuated in the church and which she continues and reverently uses and esteems according to Ephesians 4:11-13, who have, and shall always have, powers and authority only as Ministers of Christ and his lawful successors, as they have been practiced by the Apostles like St.Peter, St.Paul, etc., ZPC believe as well, that we are made and things to all men and that we might by all means save some – I Corinthians 9:19-2, and to present every man perfect in Christ Jesus – Colossians 1:27, 2
  • ZPC believe in the need of Holy Living through the power of the Holy Spirit, bringing into the life the fruit of the Spirit –  Galatians 5:22
  • ZPC believe in prayer as the power of the unfolding, empowering and guidance of life, and as Ministry of Intercession –  Colossians 4:12
  • ZPC believe that we should lead a life to make our Christian Assembly a power over all over the world –  I Corinthians 4:20 while we love all other Christian groups that exalt over Lord and saviour Jesus Christ
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please call: +91 99520 82250

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